Zdeněk Holý’s comedy series Laydies and Genitalmen was inspired by the often obsessive attraction that heterosexual men have with lesbian women.
Laydies and Genitalmen is filmed in Prague, Czech Republic and follows the story of best friends Marta and Pavel. Marta is lesbian and Pavel is fond of lesbians, a bit too fond.
Interestingly, Holý studied film theory and never wanted to become a filmmaker.
Why should people watch your series?
Because our sexuality and sexual attractions can make us feel quite embarrassed and the only way out of it is to laugh.
What do you want people to take away from your series?
Not to take themselves too seriously.
How do you finance your series?
With our own money and the good will of friends.
What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome in production?
Convincing people it is not just about the shock factor. There is a message behind the series.
How do you reach your audience?
Via VOD service VOYO in Czech Republic and through good opportunities like the Melbourne WebFest.
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BQTCrYReKE&list=PLETX1XzHy4Dnt7092VXLM99FcceIrxaIS
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/damikramy?fref=ts