LAST WILL & TESTICLE is a ballsy comedy web series about testicular cancer that’s been called “hilarious” by Carrie Fisher, “brilliant” by Stephen Fry, “hysterical” by Livestrong Foundation, “fearless” by Cosmopolitan Magazine, and supported by Testicular Cancer Society and many others.

The series was written and filmed right after the creator, Byron Lane’s, cancer diagnosis and funded by thousands of dollars raised in just a few days on Kickstarter.

Medical conditions are hardly used in a comical context. Was it difficult to make sure the humour was not too insensitive?
The most important thing to me was being honest. Some of the scenes in the series actually happened to me when I was diagnosed with testicular cancer. The best medicine, for me, was to turn shocking and potentially devastating situations into something worthy of a bit of laughter.

Why should people watch your series?
I hope people find it entertaining! We’ve got an incredible cast of top notch actors who’ve been in everything from Academy Award winning films to viral videos. The writing is described as “hilarious” and “hysterical.” Our cinematographer captured some beautiful scenes. Hopefully, it’s an all-around, laugh-out-loud, binge-worthy comedy.

What do you want audiences to take away from your series?
I’ve gotten emails from people all over the world who have had experiences with friends and family with cancer and the responses to my series has been so shockingly positive! I was really touched to hear from a lady who said she was going to send the series to a teenager she knows who’s battling testicular cancer. Or a lady who’s brother died too young and was an artist and she donated in his name to my Kickstarter. Nothing but sunshine has come from this experience. For real!

What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome making this series?
The truth is that the hardest part was deciding to do it. I had the idea, I had written some things, but I was not truly motivated to shoot it until I thought I had to do chemo and would lose my hair. Suddenly the clock was ticking and I wanted to capture this experience in my life. I shot it before I got biopsy results, and before doctors actually told me I did not need chemo, so the end of Season One is a bit of a cliff-hanger because I didn’t know how bad the cancer would be. (I’m very lucky!)

Is your series an ongoing project? If so can you give us some clues about what comes next?
I did shoot six new episodes that I’m calling Season Two. It’s focused on the fact that my cancer has a 30 percent chance of returning. So each episode features my “Lump of Cancer” terrorizing me. Only I can see and hear him and I have to learn to live with the reality that I’m vulnerable and I’m living with this thing that could (but hopefully will not) return.

Describe the ultimate fan of your series?
Look, I’m happy if just “some dude” or “that lady” watches it and has a chuckle. I didn’t set out to change the world or anything. I just wanted to mark a moment of my life and I feel really lucky that I may have also captured a moment or two of other people’s lives and they can relate in some way and share a laugh with me.

How do you finance your series?
I did a Kickstarter. I was so touched by the outpouring of support. I met my goal in 3 days!

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