Set against the backdrop of Sydney’s enduring music scene, These New South Whales follows four cocky (albeit misguided) underdogs from ‘Steel City’, armed with nothing but their own delusions of grandeur, as they take all the wrong turns on the perilous road to becoming the most visible and influential Australian punk band…ever.

Created by Hari Jago, Ben Timony, Jamie Timony & Todd Andrews, this cringe worthy comedy will make sure your eyes are stuck to the screen the entire time.

These New South Whales is a real band, how similar are the personalities of the characters compared to the real band members?
We are all playing hyper-extended versions of ourselves that slowly and randomly breathe in towards reality and out towards fiction.

What (and/or who) inspired your series?
We are inspired by what we’ve seen, heard and learned after many years spent playing in bands in the local Sydney scene. In particular, the ‘boys club’ mentality, enthusiastic naievety, self-congratulatory behaviour and inflated sense of ego that we’ve witnessed in others and (dare I say) ourselves so often over the years.

Why should people watch your series?
Because it’s hilarious, it’s alive (!) and it’s full of heart. It’s a fresh take on musicians and who these people are in a grass roots context.

What do you want audiences to take away from your series?
We want them to feel totally uncomfortable watching it but for it to be impossible to turn away from the unfolding tragedy. We also want them to feel intrigued – like they need to see These New South Whales live because they absolutely do. They do need to see us live. You do too.

Is your series an ongoing project? If so can you give us some clues about what comes next?
We are currently working on the second season which we’ll shoot later this year. It’s super exciting.

What is your favourite thing about making web series?
We were in such a collective creative head space over the week that we shot our first series. Everyone was totally on the ball and inspired and the camaraderie was there in spades. We were very supportive of each other and what each person had to offer. Our show is improvised comedy so it’s full of surprises, even for us. It was a magical experience.

Describe the ultimate fan of your series?
Someone who loves cringe comedy, who can see the tragedy in ‘mediocrity’ and someone who likes to be kept on their toes with schizophrenic cuts and action from left field.

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