A sketch comedy with a satirical view on male behaviour and social media etiquette, stars Luke Goodall and Marc Gallagher. The series began in October 2015 and is being featured in Melbourne WebFest this year, for the second time. The show also stars popular social media icon Gabby Epstein.

What inspires you to find new content for each episode?
We got a lot of ideas from our social media news feeds. The internet is full of gloriously imperfect creatures, so we don’t have to try to hard to come up with that next idea. We are always just one click away from the next poor fellow who will be the basis of a future sketch.

What was your relationship like before you started creating web series?
Marc and Luke met working as sales assistants in a retail store. They both shared a fondness for a well crafted dick joke.

What (and/or who) inspired your series?
Bigots, Xenophobes and Misogynists are unintentionally hilarious. Their absurd opinions often don’t need much tweaking in order to make them comical.

What’s special or different about your series?
We think we have got the biggest height differential between two co-stars in all of comedy. That’s no small feat. Get it?

Is your series an ongoing project? If so can you give us some clues about what comes next?
Yes, we release a new episode every fortnight on Facebook. Nothing is off limits in this next batch. We are also jumping into the vlog world soon to give our fans an insight into our process.

How do you reach your audience?
Facebook video, Snapchat and we’ve recently been scouted to make content for the LA based app called ‘comedy.com.’

Goodall and Gallagher on the web:
Watch Goodall & Gallagher
Goodall & Gallagher on Facebook