Snippets Of A Lifetime explores the lives of those who roam amongst us. Each episode of this heart-warming series documents a different individual who speaks about their life and all they have experienced. Berlin based filmmaker Carolin Kraft began her personal project back in late 2013 after discovering a passion for being able to explores the lives of others and wanting to tell their stories. We spoke with Carolin Kraft to ask her how she began creating her web series.

The people you interview, have had amazing life experiences and such unique stories to tell. How do you find the people you interview?
Well, it’s a mixture. A few I’ve known before. Like Edgar, the super sexy boy. The singer Frederik I met on the street while he performed at a flea market in Berlin and I just asked him. Others were suggested after people saw the first episodes or if I wanted someone particular like the Jazz singer Malia I was able to get in touch  through a friend.

What do you want your audience to take away from this series?
That all humans go through similar experiences and that the things we have in common are greater than the things we don’t. Also, the ability to offer empathy to strangers first instead of rejection is what I’d like to portray.

What is unique about your series?
In a very limited time total strangers open up about their private lives and take the audience into their homes.

What was your release strategy?
Finding blogs that care about people’s lives to support my project and have them spread it on their pages and channels worked well.

What was your target audience and how did you build a relationship with them?
I am struggling with that since I am not showing a specific kind of character but all kinds of different people throughout our society. Therefore focusing on a particular audience group has been a challenge.

How long did it take to produce and shoot the series?
I started in late 2013 and premiered the first episode in October 2015. There was no funding. So the process got quite tedious.

What is your background as a creator?
This is my first web series experience. I assisted in different departments at film productions in Germany. Then switched to being a Social Media and Community Manager and now I am trying to do both.

Prior to Snippets Of A Lifetime you had never produced a web series. How does it feel to have created & produced this web series?
Amazing. I’ve learned so much. Besides producing, I also shot the episodes, interviewed all of them, edited and colour graded a few, etc. My learning curve was steep.

Do you have any future plans for this series?
Yes. I’d like to travel around Europe to film as many people as possible before their stories, thoughts and emotions vanish from our world.


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