Part documentary, part comedy, part “reality-tv puppet show”, this unique web series takes a look at the way people all over the globe connect in the virtual world. From shocking failures and bizarre revelations to the rare encounters with true love. Tales from tinder...
At some point in our lives we’ve all dreamed of being a superhero, although some of us won’t admit it. But as shown in the comedy web series, Ninja Panda, for some of us, being a hero doesn’t come naturally. Created by Dan Jones, the series follows superhero, Ninja...
Filmed in Melbourne, Food For Thought, is a comedy centred around five youths, meeting at a café and discussing their differing opinions on the trivial complexities of society. Created by Michael and Evan Pirone, Food For Thought gives us a healthy dose of laughter...
Dash and D’Bree are two best friends stuck in fashion retail, trying to get a break… A record deal, a modelling contract, a TV talk show. ANYTHING. Hey! If you’ve worked in retail for as long as they have, getting $17.60 an hour to wipe bum marks off fitting room...
Created by Robin Geradts-Gill, Hannah Moon & Stephen Sholl, Altruman is a top-notch superhero – but on the home front he is struggling with family feuds, intimacy issues and career anxiety. This six-part web series follows the other side of Altruman’s...