The twist (AUS)
official selection
The Twist is an animated short form documentary series that brings to life some of Australia’s most intriguing true crime stories – complex, real stories with real victims and real perpetrators.
- Best Screenplay – Peter Butt
- Best Sound Design – David Perry
- Best Animation
Cinematographer: Brendan J Doyle
Editor: Jonathan Martin
Composer: Richard Tamplenizza
Production Designer: Mario Lendvai
Sound Designer: David Perry
Supporting Cast: Bishanya Vincent
VFX Lead/Team: Mario Lendvai, Vanessa St Pier
Director: Brendan J Doyle
Writer: Peter Butt, Andy Muir
Producer: Navid Bahadori
Key Cast: Bishanya Vincent
Illustrator: Mario Lendvai
Animator / Motion Designer: Vanessa St Pier
Executive Producer: Navid Bahadori
Executive Producer: Leo Faber