What Can I Get Started For You Podcast
Four baristas working in a high power New York office building balance caring for their finicky clientele with chatting, and curating the perfect Spotify cue for the next rush.
What Can I Get Started For You inspects what it means to love a “day job”… even if the company is a little too comfortable paying minimum wage. “Fuck Hut School for Teens” meets “Man Seeking Woman” with a dash of every coffee shop you’ve ever loved
Listen: https://anchor.fm/kelsey-harper0/episodes/Episode-1—Flies-e18o4vj
- Best Podcast
Director:Writer: Kelsey Marie Harper
- Kelsey Marie Harper
- Lauren Versel
- Dolly Hall
Key cast:
- Julian Burzynski – “Tarleton”
- Bettina Bresnan – “Security Camera”
- Reid Pope – “Charlie”
- Rachel Kaly – “Miranda”
- Marie Faustin – “Kate”
Lead artists: Scottie Harvey, Henry Yuliano.