Avenoir (aus) Student Series Miles Greyson is a worn out private detective. When a past lover seeks his help he is pulled into a mystery. Through his investigation, he uncovers a conspiracy involving shadowy government agents and debaucherous celebrities. Nominations...
einfach Maria (deu) Student Series Maria’s Life and her looking after Mr. Right. Nominations Best Student Series Credits Cinematographer: Leonard Frederic Caspari Editor: Kira König Composer: Jordan Toms Production Designer: Melanie Starkl Sound...
Gut Feeling (aus) Student Series Liv, a 28-year-old advertising creative, is happy enough with her boyfriend Luke until one fateful evening when she is knocked unconscious at a surf club. When Liv wakes up, she can hear a voice coming from her gut who calls herself...
HANSHI CHARLIE – A Fighters Journey (CHe) Student Series The Swiss-Austrian jujitsu grandmaster Charlie Lenz has turned martial arts into a way of life for him. Upcoming documentary filmmaker Luis Balthisar Balzer tells his story with a mixture of beautifully made...
Interface (aus) Student Series At a time when work is scarce, Mia wins a bid for a job she knows nothing about. When she learns it’s for testing VR therapy, she begins questioning the creator and the reasons behind the technology. Nominations Best Student Series...