Four Tracks Student A student series about a teenage girl and the realities of living in the hood. Nominations Best Student Series Credits Writer-Director: Gina...
Strings Attached International Spotlight Strings Attached is an anthology series set within a fictional online dating site. The series tells the stories of people looking for love and trying to connect during these disconnected times. Nominations Best International...
Brazzy Jazzy – Season 2 International Spotlight When a Brazilian Girl takes on the NYC fashion world, her adventures are sometimes sexy, often funny but always Caffeinated! It’s Jane the Virgin meets Girls, only an outsider immigrant version – more...
Human Telegraphs – Season 1 International Spotlight Human Telegraphs is a quirky and sweet female-driven series that follows three women as they launch an in-person message delivery business in NYC, and get tangled in the intimate, unexpected, and hilarious...
Border’d – Season One International Spotlight A trio of Latinx siblings reunite in their suburban hometown following a family tragedy causing them to confront their ignored culture, past failures and hidden secrets. Nominations Best International Spotlight...