When Blake Nurry inherits his Grandfather’s outdated holiday theme park in rural Australia, the quirky team of staff members need to convince him not to close down the national icon. Speaking to the creator, director and animator of the series Tim Andrews, we...
In a world where video games are everything, cybernetically enhanced competitors known as ‘Meta Runners’ reign supreme. To the public, they are sports stars, celebrities, and idols rolled into one. But beneath the neon lights and the fan-filled arenas lies...
Forest League (BRA) is an animation project that seeks to work with both environmental and social education, transforming the differences between them into co-existence. After the murder of a tapir by unscrupulous hunters, an angry shaman evokes the sleeping spirits...
Bullied banana slug Deb leaves the garden to search the seashore for a shell – her ticket to popularity – only to find the shell of her dreams wedged under ornery beached whale Gisele. Creator Amanda DeSimone spoke to Melbourne WebFest about the...
Deluxe Motion (S2) (CAN) is a stop motion web series for adults – and disobedient teenagers – featuring five blameworthy characters which push the boundaries of absurdity and rudeness. Melbourne WebFest spoke to Producer Johannie Deschambault about the...