Brooks is a loving, hard-working, responsible brother to his little sister Laura. He has also inadvertently garnered a macabre reputation for being a hitman for people’s furry friends, or the Pet Killer. Pet Killer (AUS) co-writer and director Tibo Pinsard spoke to...
The Common Thread (AUS) is a documentary web-series presented by acclaimed short-form filmmaker Darius Devas. It examines the lives of young Australians experiencing mental illness through powerful personal stories. Director and producer Darius Devas spoke with...
Paramedics SUV (AUS) follows Eric and Rebecca, an eccentric couple who find themselves in witness protection. They are provided with a new house, new identities, and new job covers. They decide to commit 100% to their new careers as paramedics despite having zero...
Who hasn’t experienced an awkward moment while standing in an elevator? A bad smell, a heavy silence, a couple kissing as if you weren’t there… Uplift (AUS) portrays a woman, who, whenever she enters the lift in her building, encounters strange and surprising...
In 2014, the New South Wales Government introduced new lockout laws, with the objective of reducing alcohol-fuelled violence in the city of Sydney. The legislation required bars, pubs and clubs in the central district to refuse entry after 1am and to...