Einfach Maria (DEU) This year Melbourne WebFest was lucky to be hit with several themes surrounding the complex lives of women. Ride the wave into the world of dating, complications, struggles, drama, mistakes and comedy. No better series showcases these themes...
Three web series in particular brought to screen the ancient ‘art’ of dating in a contemporary light – Arena (BRA), Technically Single (GER) and Cluster F*ck (CAN). Have you ever wondered what dating is like outside of your own city? These series...
Osmosis is an online dating site made in a near future. It’s so ubiquitous that it becomes the absolute 3.0 augmented reality social network: the platform conditioning all types of human relationships. Thanks to a revolutionary algorithm, the website founded by Thomas...
Wallflowers, created by Kieran Turner, details the ensemble exploits of a Manhattan support group for the hopelessly single. Set in the witty, cruelly comedic dating world of NYC, Wallflowers escapes the typical format of a web series and holds onto the long form...