Epic NPC Man (NZL) follows Greg The Garlic Farmer, who lives inside a video game and has to deal with the other mindless NPC’s and the crazy player characters. We talked with director Adam King to gain insight into what goes into creating a comedy series based...
After her parents pass away in a car accident, young university graduate Alex is forced to take over the family’s matchmaking business Love Shop. Alex has always had somewhat of a vendetta against Love Shop: its nature of commodifying love stands against...
Armed with a strong visual aesthetic and a keen eye for talent for dramatic comedy, we’re thrilled to welcome Luke Eve to the Melbourne WebFest Advisory Board. Eve is a graduate of the Australian Film Television and Radio School. Soon after, he established his own...
We’re extremely thrilled to welcome former Melbourne WebFest alumni creator Sally McLean to the 2020 festival Advisory Board. An award-winning actress, writer and director, Sally McLean is currently the Creator/Director and lead ensemble member of the critically...
In this episode of Melbourne WebFest: From The Archives, we take a listen to the keynote address of the 2018 festival, which was delivered by Julie Kalceff. Julie shares with us the four reasons why she believes the web series format is awesome – whilst drawing...