Italia Sicilia Gela (ITA) focuses on Gela, one of the most contradictory cities in Italy, through the stories of many inhabitants. They give an unusual insight into their perceptions of the city, describing the elements of unease together with the opportunities so far...
The Common Thread (AUS) is a documentary web-series presented by acclaimed short-form filmmaker Darius Devas. It examines the lives of young Australians experiencing mental illness through powerful personal stories. Director and producer Darius Devas spoke with...
In 2014, the New South Wales Government introduced new lockout laws, with the objective of reducing alcohol-fuelled violence in the city of Sydney. The legislation required bars, pubs and clubs in the central district to refuse entry after 1am and to...
Cypher (CAN) parallels the process of musical collaboration with the peer-support method of mental health caregiving. Just as every musical collaboration is personal and unique, so too is each caregiving experience. Joined by award-winning peer support caregiver...
This is the story of how young Aussies defied calls to stay in school and organised one of the largest youth-led movements Australia has ever seen, told by twelve diverse students who vlogged the whole thing. These young people shared their stories of who they are and...