Taking place in the high-rise, ‘modern’ city office of Australia’s largest corporation, this outrageous sketch series loosely follows a professional business on the eve of the dreaded and unfathomable Y2K, in the way Aunty Donna do it best: a descent into pure...
Shorts about Giants is an Argentinian web series produced by UN3.TV, and is composed of micro animated episodes about the life and work of famous directors. These episodes feature filmmakers such as Jim Jarmusch, Woody Allen, Wes Anderson, Tim Burton, Jean Luc Godard,...
Hai Visto Tom Collins? Have you seen Tom Collins? is a witty re-telling and re-enactment of the backstory of certain alcoholic beverages. Five episodes that are under five minutes, Hai Visto Tom Collins? follows the only weird customer in the bar who plays the dual...
The Shapes is an animated kid’s comedy series following the misadventures of a raucous cartoon band. Produced by Mad Kids, the series pokes fun at the restrictive expectations of the music industries upon musicians. Your series is primarily a children’s series but it...
DAFUQ? is a satirical mockumentary series following three smug and earnest young reporters, as they investigate contemporary issues not covered by the mainstream media. Produced by Mad Kids, the 6-part series plays humorously on the “gritty, edgy and relevant” online...