After Forever (S2) (USA) explores the journey of ones love, loss and picking up and moving on. Following the lives of Brian and Jason, a 50-ish New York gay couple, co-creators Kevin Spirtas and Michael Slade used the web series format to tell important stories with...
Three web series in particular brought to screen the ancient ‘art’ of dating in a contemporary light – Arena (BRA), Technically Single (GER) and Cluster F*ck (CAN). Have you ever wondered what dating is like outside of your own city? These series...
Hangovers, zombies and a love story – Discocalypse, out of Germany, is the story of how one man can turn his life into a living nightmare from one hell of a night. Produced, directed and written by emerging creator Dirk Rosenlöcher in 2016, Discocalypse is...
A heartbroken, aspiring artist is helped back on the rocky road to love by her three desperate best friends, whether she wants them to or not. This web series features relatable, funny and awkward situations, as each of the eight episodes in Season 1 of Auckward Love...