David, a celestial cartographer, suddenly awakens from hypostasis when his emergency escape pod is ejected from its long-range mother ship, the ASCE-Atlas. Trapped in a space the size of a coffin, he will have to survive in the vacuum that surrounds him. With the help...
Telegraph Cove is the story of Anna who with her husband Dave, operate a seasonal wildlife tour company. During a private charter Dave mysteriously goes missing in the coastal waters in “The Graveyard of the Pacific”. Inspired by local tales of missing...
Web series are not exactly a new thing to happen to the entertainment industry, despite most people thinking otherwise. In fact, they have actually been around for years. However, with so much content now being produced on the web, the ideas that defined a television...
14 July marked the fourth consecutive meet up in 2016 for the monthly event, IRL Web Series. As an introduction to the night, Hayley Adams, co-creator of i can’t even. launched into the reasoning behind the creation of IRL. IRL is designed to bring together a...