Image: The Streets Barber Stories (AUS) Due to its effectiveness in delivering digestible content succinctly, the comedy genre has often been the weapon of choice amongst web series creators. However, as each year passes we witness the rise of less scripted and more...
Image: Tasmanian Ghost Town Project (NZ) In this year’s Melbourne WebFest Official Selection, there were three non-fiction web series that caught our attention and made us travel without leaving our couches. Through their various episodes, Life Underground (FRA),...
One of the most influential benefits of Melbourne WebFest is the colossal array of documentaries received that exhibit a plethora of diverse backgrounds. Exploring these windows into different lives and cultures allow us to gain an understanding of what it means to be...
Everyone is on a journey to somewhere. It may take a week, it may take a month – but in some cases, all it takes is a sprinkle of determination and a buttload of resilience. Forging your own unique path is something that These New South Whales (AUS), Sui...
Amy Street is the story of ‘lifestylers’ who live in refurbished miners cottages within the community, given the opportunity to live independent lives. Living alone or with others, the homes give residents the chance to be a part of a society full of love,...