In Switzerland, land of peace and neutrality, military service is compulsory. In Section, Marche! (CHE) we will dive in the Colombier Infantry Recruit School (Switzerland), meeting a group of soldiers and their officers. The series offers a refreshing perspective on...
The Common Thread (AUS) is a documentary web-series presented by acclaimed short-form filmmaker Darius Devas. It examines the lives of young Australians experiencing mental illness through powerful personal stories. Director and producer Darius Devas spoke with...
Bananas (AUS) is a curious and playful look at growing up between two cultures in Australia’s Sunshine State, Queensland, with particular focus on food and family, presented by two Australian-born Asian friends who are awkward, honest, and warm in equal parts....
Monkey Monkey Shake Shake (AUS) Art is all about expressing yourself in various ways. The selected Australian non-fiction web series Unboxed (AUS), Lessons from a Middle Class Artist (AUS) and Monkey Monkey Shake Shake (AUS) all take a look at the artistic journey and...
Image: Hanshi Charlie (CHE) This year at Melbourne WebFest, we’ve been lucky to encounter extraordinary stories told through the lens of everyday people around the world. We spoke with the creators of Hanshi Charlie (CHE), Bastards (DEU) and Stories of Bike...