In their mid-twenties, Jimmy, Ned and Ryan share an apartment together in Sydney. One morning, while walking home after a wild night, their friend Sonya gets approached by Hitch, a fashion designer who just has spent the night with Jimmy. Supertramps (AUS) follows...
In 2014, the New South Wales Government introduced new lockout laws, with the objective of reducing alcohol-fuelled violence in the city of Sydney. The legislation required bars, pubs and clubs in the central district to refuse entry after 1am and to...
Screaming and crying can often be heard coming from the Melbourne WebFest offices, but for once, it’s not the sound of us torturing the interns. Much to the dismay of our more squeamish Jurors, we’ve had an impressive amount of thriller and horror-oriented submissions...
Drama series, THIRTY, tells the story of four diverse women from Sydney, in their early thirties, trying to get their lives on track. Childhood friends, Dalia, Charlie, Anna and Bianca try to navigate through the ups and downs of love, work, family, sex and friendship...
Better than Gossip Girl and the perfect break from study or work, SYD2030 is back for a second season and the stakes are higher than ever. As the name gives it away, Tatjana Marjanovic’s web series is set and filmed in Sydney. We rejoin our favourite law students as...