Follow the journey of interconnected millennials as they navigate the anxieties of online dating, social media addictions and the love of their smartphones through the web series, Discontent (AUS). The mind behind the series, Sam Rogers, spoke to Melbourne WebFest...
Stu, My Name is Stu (GBR) follows the adventures of Stu, a wannabe actor in London, a city full of dreams, doomed auditions and awkward flatmates. You’ll get to meet his compulsive liar agent, his unsupportive mum and all the crazy Londoners that’ll cross...
In their mid-twenties, Jimmy, Ned and Ryan share an apartment together in Sydney. One morning, while walking home after a wild night, their friend Sonya gets approached by Hitch, a fashion designer who just has spent the night with Jimmy. Supertramps (AUS) follows...
Undergarment Odysseys (AUS) is a four-part anthology comedy web series about sexual health. Various matters are explored throughout the episodes to address the stigma and taboo surrounding sex, such as STDs, consent, sexual identity and much more. Humour and satire...
Welcome to We Are Einsteins (CHE) – the world’s first science sitcom! Here, relationship drama and fights between flatmates are turned into grand scientific experiments. Senior Producer Katharina Shwarz spoke to Melbourne WebFest about finding the balance...