Einfach Maria (DEU) This year Melbourne WebFest was lucky to be hit with several themes surrounding the complex lives of women. Ride the wave into the world of dating, complications, struggles, drama, mistakes and comedy. No better series showcases these themes...
Women of the Island (Aus) Females continue to run the world, with Women of The Island (AUS), Resting Pitch Face (AUS) and Single Ladies (AUS) as three Official Spotlight Selections which showcase the magnificent rule of women. ...
Subject: Dad (NZ) Retelling a story can be complicated. As that moment of dread settles in as a scene is set, your expectations of the retelling it deserves can be tough. Luckily for Official Selection series Subject: Dad (NZ), The Twist (AUS), What Could Go Wrong...
A few glasses of wine, that Instagram aesthetic and a night out on the town with the girls. Leftovers, a web series created by Andrew Mills, Helena Ruse and Pippa Mills is all about that female lifestyle, and their experiences as young people. The ongoing sketch...
Fasateen is an interactive web-series about three women in their 30s and the hard decisions they have to make in their daily lives. The series follows the stories of; Aliya a separated working mum of a 10-year-old boy, Lama living with her 2 kids in Lebanon while her...