Meet Nis our new Director!

This little Bosnian upstart, who we refer to as Nis – is the new Director of Melbourne Web fest. Growing up on the outskirts of Melbourne, Deer Park is where life began. Grappling with the usual trappings of first gen existence, she spent most of her time at the Sunshine Library, or in front of the TV, binge watching wholesome eighties network television.

Enisa has the sweet skills of being a super nerd. Equipped with Balkan village work ethic, and a modern Australian Instagram addiction – this places Enisa in a unique position to quench her creativity in the editing suites, in her notebook – or by taking lockdown photographs of the same shadows and doorways, daily.

She has edited adventure lifestyle programs for the 7Mate weekend time slot, and is working with the University of Newcastle on various community and design film projects. She’s a lecturer in the film department at SAE. In a previous life, she worked as a Landscape Architect and 3D modeler – Studied Media at RMIT and secretly wishes she had become a game environment modeler.

Nis has a passion for art and filmmaking and if the two of these collide – this is everything. She is currently shooting, cutting, writing and anything else in between – working on the next story that makes you cry or laugh.