In year 2089, the peaceful life in the Communistic Republic of Sojus is threatened by alleged terrorist attacks of underground hackers. The powerful and worshiped Leader of Sojus uses a lethal defense instrument for personal reasons and accidentally kills her only son and successor.

Created by Barbara Anticevic & Mark Szilagyi, this sci-fi series will have you on the edge of your seat.

Was the character of the Supreme Leader based on any real tyrannical leaders?
Elisabeth is, as we see her, not really tyrannical. She is just a strong female lead without apologizing for her actions.

As a content creator, where do you go to find information about other film makers and web series?
Websites of proclaimed Web Series Festivals.

Why should people watch your series?
We show the dream of many people – a world where religion and its confinements are banned by law. We also show the downside of it. In this setting, a highly emotional story takes place – a mother fights to get her son back.

What do you want audiences to take away from your series?
That it is worth it to fight for freedom and that an oppressive regime will be destroyed in the end. That everyone deserves justice and forgiveness.

What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome making this series?

How do you finance your series?
Film School Budget, Sponsoring.

How long have you been making web series for?
This is the first.

When are you completely satisfied with your work?
There is always room for improvement.

What was the most difficult challenge you had to overcome in production, and how did you go about it?
To produce a web series at a German film school with long TV tradition in Sci-fi was hard to sell to the Professors. It can be over come with persistence.

From start to finish, how long did it take to complete this project?
With the concept we started in Apr 2012. Principal Photography was in May 2013. 2 episodes were finished in April 2014 as part of Márk Szilágyi graduation from Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg.

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