DAFUQ? is a satirical mockumentary series following three smug and earnest young reporters, as they investigate contemporary issues not covered by the mainstream media. Produced by Mad Kids, the 6-part series plays humorously on the “gritty, edgy and relevant” online...
Arthur, of whom the series is named after, brings you right into the life of a forty year old man who loves his breakfasts, the sound of a vacuum cleaner, and the quiet environment of his house. The ten episode series challenges assumptions people make based on...
Zyara is a documentary web series that depicts intimate portraits of various individuals sharing their hopes and dreams, stories about love, fears and their most memorable experiences. “Zyara” is an Arabic word that means “Visit” in English. Zyara promotes oneness by...
Directed and edited by Ben Churchill, The Tommy Edison experience allows sighted people a glimpse into the world of Tommy Edison. Tommy Edison, who has been blind since birth and is known as the Blind Film Critic, uses humour to answer the most common questions about...
Peter Haynes, the series creator and New Zealand filmmaker, reveals that AFK was inspired by World of Warcraft’s hugely immersive, massive environment where characters can interact with others all over the world. In the series, soon after being thrust into the virtual...