Stu, My Name is Stu (GBR) follows the adventures of Stu, a wannabe actor in London, a city full of dreams, doomed auditions and awkward flatmates. You’ll get to meet his compulsive liar agent, his unsupportive mum and all the crazy Londoners that’ll cross...
In their mid-twenties, Jimmy, Ned and Ryan share an apartment together in Sydney. One morning, while walking home after a wild night, their friend Sonya gets approached by Hitch, a fashion designer who just has spent the night with Jimmy. Supertramps (AUS) follows...
Undergarment Odysseys (AUS) is a four-part anthology comedy web series about sexual health. Various matters are explored throughout the episodes to address the stigma and taboo surrounding sex, such as STDs, consent, sexual identity and much more. Humour and satire...
Paramedics SUV (AUS) follows Eric and Rebecca, an eccentric couple who find themselves in witness protection. They are provided with a new house, new identities, and new job covers. They decide to commit 100% to their new careers as paramedics despite having zero...
The best Hollywood blockbuster movie pitches must happen when you’re on the verge of passing out, as evident in the banter-heavy dramatic re-enactments of Drunk Movies (AUS). Writer, Director and Co-creator of the series, Tom Burgess spoke to Melbourne WebFest...
Spiders can’t jump – or can they? Where did Skippy: The Bush Kangaroo go wrong? And how might you avoid coming a cropper against a croc? Radio/Podcast host Ann Jones answers these questions and more in How Deadly (AUS). Director and Producer, Hannah Draper...