Genre Humaine (FRA) is about Eleonore and looking into her little slice of life. A girl like everyone else. Anxious, frustrated, dithering all the time. Normal.
Screenwriter and actress, Eléonore Costes, reveals the series unique perspective and situations to be are based on her own thoughts and experiences.
How did you decide on the subject matter?
My subject is an autobiography. It’s a part of my life. the questions which turn in my head. It was almost an emergency for me to put all her anxieties somewhere.
Why choose the web format?
Because it’s the only format that gives me complete freedom – I can make an episode 5 minutes or 12. And especially talk about everything without censorship.
What is your favourite part of the series?
Probably Episode 1: L’annonce. Because it talk about my parents. My crazy family. It’s great for me to put that somewhere.
What is the most interesting element of your series for the audience?
I think it’s the fact of not lying. To present something super sincere. The real life. It’s not very current on youtube.
The series has a large focus on conversation, what was the script writing process like for developing each episode?
It’s an exercise to let go. I don’t read myself too many times to keep a kind of spontaneity.
I try to be in the feeling and to deliver everything at once
Did you have any challenges in creating the second season that you didn’t have creating the first?
Yes ! Especially at the technical level. The image is much more worked, longer sequences, more actors in the same episode. The staging is more elaborate.
What is the future for your series?
I hope a season 3 very soon – and why not a 4, 5, 6, 7!
But everything in its time.