Moments of Clarity (AUS) is a sweet yet dark animated comedy series about a neurotic bearded man, and his wise little dog, as they confront the trivial and grand truths of everyday life.

Writer and Director Tim Logan had a chat with us about the series and what’s in store for the future.

Why choose the web format?

That’s where the audience is. It doesn’t mean you’ll find one, but they’re out there. 

How long have you been working on your series?

I think about 2 years now, it was a comic strip for a year and then we got some state funding to make 3 episodes and they came out well and we got Screen Australia onboard with those so we could make an actual season, it’s actually (so far) been the fastest budgeted project I’ve ever worked on.

Moments of Clarity Episode 1

What inspired your series?

My standup material, my fur progeny Ra and the sweet oblivion we all face even if we or as we, distract ourselves with absurd day to day events.  

What is your favourite part of the series?

Ra. Sure it was fun recording characters with some comedy legends but having an animated version of Ra is very satisfying and she’s got ewok level merch potential.

How did you choose the idea’s to expand into episodes?

Whatever made us laugh, and could have a layer or 2 no matter if its silly, within 1-2minutes, fit the bill.  Some were easy to focus on because they fit a particular character’s voice very naturally. 

What is the most interesting element of your series for the audience?

That’s really a question for the audience, if we find one. What did you find interesting? Did you watch the series? I like the existential dread, these questions are just giving me the dread.

What is the future for your series?

We’re still in production, have another 12 episodes to finish and release, including a few covid-themed ones and I’m writing a half hour pilot of Moments as a way to not lose my mind during lockdown.