real melbourne (aus)

australian spotlight

A character-driven mockumentary web comedy peeking into the lives of quirky Melbournians one hapless tale at a time.

A documentary film crew is enlisted to observe the lives of these loveable yet fallible few; shadowing them and delving into their stories and what makes them tick.

But once the cameras start rolling, they capture far more about the humanity behind these folks than they bargained for.

  • Best Australian Spotlight

Cinematographer: Hannah Palmer
Editor: Shannon Michaelas
Production Designer: Karli Laredo
Sound Designer: Cody Norris
Supporting Cast: Justin Edbrooke, Caitlin Mathieson, Roy Barker, Jessica Hutchinson, Adam Hetherington
VFX Lead/Team: Cameron Gregg

Director: Melanie Killingsworth
Writer: Justin Edbrooke
Producer: Justin Edbrooke
Key Cast: Caitlin Mathieson, Roy Barker, Justin Edbrooke, Jessica Hutchinson, Adam Hetherington