The Square Root (USA) is a short-form episodic series that explores memory and the small moments that make us who we are. Each chapter focuses on a different character, and each episode takes place during that split second before a character makes the decision that will change their lives forever.

Co-Creator, Writer and Director Misti Boland spoke to Melbourne WebFest about the series.

How important is the message/theme in your series?

Our series, The Square Root, focuses on memory and the small moments that can change your life forever. Each episode focuses on a different character, and we move through that character’s mind, leading up to a decision that will change their life forever. The theme of memory is a throughline that is woven throughout each episode.

The Square Root Trailer

How did you envision the multiple points-of-view contributing to The Square Root’s narrative? Did this vision change over time?

From the inception, co-creator Jeremy Osbern and I had envisioned a story that would unravel through multiple points-of-view. We have plans for where the story can continue to go from here, which we’re excited about.

How long have you been working on your series? 

In 2018, we wrote the scripts and started pre-production at the start of 2019. Production took place in late spring, and then we finished post production during the Fall of 2019. 

What inspired your series?  

We wanted to revisit some popular story themes – namely, family / relationship dramas – and find a new way to present them with stylized, surreal imagery. That was the initial impetus.

What prior experience did you and the team have before you started the web-series? 

Jeremy and I had created a previous short form episodic series called RED BIRD. That was our first experiment with episodic storytelling. It went on to be nominated for four Daytime Emmy awards. We worked with the same lead actors, Alexandra Goodman and Ian Stark, as in this series. We really enjoyed the experience and wanted to return to short form with The Square Root.

What was your release strategy?  

The Square Root was the first episodic project to enable people to subscribe through Kickstarter. It was a limited time subscription window, and is now not publicly available outside of the festival circuit, as to keep more options open for distribution down the road.