Determined to reclaim her life after a near-death experience resulting from her alcohol abuse, 27-year-old newly-sober Ki Royce, must now make her way through a thicket of challenges. This includes online dating, unpredictable young men, baffling job requirements and...
Anomalie (DEU) follows a young man’s journey of discovering the mystery behind his heritage. It is his quest to find the truth, whilst uncovering a connection to his city. Director Christian Stadach spoke to Melbourne WebFest about his series and the powerful...
Misadventures of a Pacific Professional (NZL) centres around Alofa Williams, a young Pasifika woman climbing the corporate ladder. Alofa is constantly bumping up against unconscious bias in the workplace and must find an authentic way of dealing with it. This prompts...
Armed with a strong visual aesthetic and a keen eye for talent for dramatic comedy, we’re thrilled to welcome Luke Eve to the Melbourne WebFest Advisory Board. Eve is a graduate of the Australian Film Television and Radio School. Soon after, he established his own...
We’re extremely thrilled to welcome former Melbourne WebFest alumni creator Sally McLean to the 2020 festival Advisory Board. An award-winning actress, writer and director, Sally McLean is currently the Creator/Director and lead ensemble member of the critically...