Anomalie (DEU) follows a young man’s journey of discovering the mystery behind his heritage. It is his quest to find the truth, whilst uncovering a connection to his city. Director Christian Stadach spoke to Melbourne WebFest about his series and the powerful...
Bringing her outstanding knowledge of the digital landscape with her, we’re extremely excited to welcome Julie Kalceff to the Melbourne WebFest Advisory Board. Kalceff is an award-winning writer, director and producer, best known for her creative vision and the...
We’re extremely excited to welcome former Melbourne WebFest alumni and juror Warwick Holt to the MWF Advisory Board. We first met Holt in 2016 after he launched his online series BRUCE, co-written by Mat Blackwell and directed by Tony Rogers (Wilfred). A black sitcom...
In this episode of Melbourne WebFest: From The Archives, we take a listen to the keynote address of the 2018 festival, which was delivered by Julie Kalceff. Julie shares with us the four reasons why she believes the web series format is awesome – whilst drawing...
The Holiest One (Aus) We’ve all experienced it. A moment, an experience or even a phase that has played catalyst to our self-discovery or realisation of who we are, or who we want to be. The following web series from this year’s Melbourne Webfest selection paint a...