February’s Web Series IRL line-up featured three comedies: Lucky Country, The Wedding Sisters and Echo Chamber. The panel discussion raised differing opinions in regards to the creators’ goals, strategies and approaches to their comedies. Lucky Country follows a...
The January Web Series IRL meet up screened the local series’ Insert Coin, We the End and Feedback. Hosted by Hayley and Alyce Adams, creators of i can’t even, the evenings discussion was varied as usual. The idea for Insert Coin, created by The Axis of...
Animation was front and center at October’s installment of Web Series IRL, held at Melbourne’s Loop Bar. As usual, our hosts for the evening were Hayley and Alyce Adams, creators of I Can’t Even. The crowd was screened three very different animated series; Damo and...
“We rented an apartment that was an Airbnb to shoot in and we found a lot of people say no to you filming in an Airbnb because they think it’s porn,” said web series creator Molly Daniels, about creating her series Double Date Night. It was a night of laughs and...
The fifth Web Series IRL meet up on 5 August saw screenings of series Footballer Wants A Wife, The Graceland Happiness Project, and Goodall & Gallagher. Co-Creator of I Can’t Even. and host of the event, Hayley Adams started by explaining why she and her sister...