Project – M is a sci-fi/ fantasy web series created by Canadian creators, Eric Piccoli, Mario J. Ramos and Julien D. Jolin.

Four astronauts have to stay 1000 days in a space station around Earth in order to prove that a trip to Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, is possible. The experience goes well until something happens on Earth.

The web series was inspired by a mission called Mars 500. This mission was a psychosocial isolation experiment conducted between 2007 and 2011 by Russia, the European Space Agency and China. It was in preparation for an unspecified future manned spaceflight to the planet Mars.

Filming locations:
Montreal, Canada

Why should people watch your series?
For the story, the questions raised by the drama, and for the atmosphere of isolation in space.

What do you want people to take away from your series?
The audacity to create an incredible story and an arthouse series of genre.

How do you finance your series?
The series was financed mostly with the Independent Production Fund, Provincial and Canadian tax credits and crowd funding.

What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome in production?
The building of the set according to the very low budget situation. A 5000 square feet space station interior was built for the shoot.

How do you reach your audience?
Mostly through social media. Publicity and interviews with the actors and creators were also made by magazines, newspapers and on several TV shows.

Is it an ongoing project? If so, can you give us some clues about what comes next?
This is a one season series only. Although, there’s talk about derivatives such as a comic book spin off.

Why make a web series?
The Web is an interesting platform that could reach international spectators in the comfort of their homes.

Project – M on the web:
Twitter: @projetm_film

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