McCracken ‘Truck Stop’ is a comedy created by Wayne Bradley and Tim Roberts.


When the Boss of ‘Truck Stop’ Delivery Company hires the mysterious drifter McCracken, his life unexpectedly changes for the worse. Much worse.

McCracken has evolved from a one-off comedy skit on YouTube with a budget of twenty dollars that went solely towards feeding the camera man, to a sixteen-part black comedy filmed in Sydney, Australia with its own professional crew. McCraken is edgy and risky with an extremely dark humour.

Interestingly, Roberts and Bradley went to the same drama school and were intense rivals. Extremely competitive they used to have “Impro Off’s” and often-got into fights. After they graduated they co-incidentally had the same agent and competed for work. Both worked on a fair few commercials and fought for the title of “Ad King”. Eventually they decided they wanted more than to just sell products and wanted to tell stories, they eventually teamed up to collaborate on projects together.


How do you finance your series? 

By starving ourselves.

What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome in production?

Our original DOP got arrested and detained for suspected murder. We’ve had three different DOP’s since.

How do you reach your audience?

Distributed by YouTube. Marketed through Facebook and Twitter.

Is it an ongoing project?

We have just completed shooting more footage and combining what we already have into a half hour TV pilot to present to production companies.

Why make a web series?

You don’t need permission. Creative freedom. Free distribution and possible/hopeful audience and fan base.



