The True Heroines is a drama series created by Jovanna Huguet Burke, Paula Giroday, Nicholas Carella, Joel Sturrock and Fiona Vroom.

Filmed in Vancouver and crowdfunded through IndieGoGo, The True Heroines follows the escapades of three 1950s housewives who share a dangerous secret: they have superpowers. As products of a series of secret genetic experiments, these high-heeled “Humans with Special Abilities” now make their (perfect) homes in New Paradise Hill, leading double-lives to elude the mysterious corporation that hunts them. In an adventure that marries Madmen and X- Men on the classic MGM lot, The True Heroines fight crime by day and have dinner on the table by six.

What inspired your series?

Gil Elvgren’s classic pin ups, Comic books, classic shows like: I Love Lucy, Original Batman Series and the need to create something with a true throwback feel because we loved seeing dong and dance on television, so we longed to create something similar for the web

 What do you want people to take away from your series?

Women truly are superheroes! 

What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome in production?

Re-creating the 40s and 50s was truly a challenge. We also had a lot of visual effects due to the superpowers, so finding a way to simplify on a ultra low budget was also challenging.

How do you reach your audience?

We have a multiplatform approach to our show. We do a live cabaret in Vancouver that tells the history of “The True Heroines” (how they escaped, what life was like on the run) and our fan base in Vancouver is very strong.

Is it an ongoing project? If so, can you give us some clues about what comes next?

It has been an ongoing project. We are currently seeking funding sources for Season Two.

Why make a web series?

It gives us creative freedom to do whatever we want- no borders, no parameters, just sheer creativity and fun! 

Is there anything in particular you’d like us to add about you or your series?

It has truly been a labour of love and it truly takes a village to make something of this calibre. We are eternally grateful for the support!



Twitter: @trueheroines

Instagram: @trueheroines