Ren is an original fantasy series about a young woman who, after a strange encounter in the woods, is marked by an ancient spirit. Cast out from her small village, she is forced to leave behind the family she has spent her whole life protecting and journey across the...
Number of Silence is a mystery-thriller web series with sci-fi elements. It melds alternative realities, a fictitious metropolis, disappearing satellites and more in a bustling mystery that sends protagonists Nina Novak, Jan Berg and Viktor Glass on a quest to learn...
Halo vs. Call of Duty, Marvel vs. DC, and Game of Thrones vs. Lord of the Rings. From Australian filmmakers, RackaRacka, web series Versus, pits pop culture characters against each other in explosively dynamic action packed battles. Each video looks to settle the...
In this local series, low-paid security guard Les finds himself in grave danger when his out-of-hours surveillance obsession uncovers police corruption and murder in the regional Australian town of Moolanda. Working in a dead-end job, his childhood obsession with...
Set in the UK’s North West, LOL follows impressionable 15 year old Keely Cooper as she struggles to fit in amongst a world of social networks and peer pressure. Series two picks up the story five years later as Keely’s kicked out of university and forced...