Follow the journey of interconnected millennials as they navigate the anxieties of online dating, social media addictions and the love of their smartphones through the web series, Discontent (AUS). The mind behind the series, Sam Rogers, spoke to Melbourne WebFest...
A poetic and raw web series, the second instalment of Dominos (S2) (CAN) follows Montreal’s tormented youth as they try and take charge of their lives and become better. Melbourne WebFest spoke to Director & Screenwriter Zoé Pelchat to discover the ins and...
Deluxe Motion (S2) (CAN) is a stop motion web series for adults – and disobedient teenagers – featuring five blameworthy characters which push the boundaries of absurdity and rudeness. Melbourne WebFest spoke to Producer Johannie Deschambault about the...
Cypher (CAN) parallels the process of musical collaboration with the peer-support method of mental health caregiving. Just as every musical collaboration is personal and unique, so too is each caregiving experience. Joined by award-winning peer support caregiver...
Bananas (AUS) is a curious and playful look at growing up between two cultures in Australia’s Sunshine State, Queensland, with particular focus on food and family, presented by two Australian-born Asian friends who are awkward, honest, and warm in equal parts....