Created by Camille Chastrusse, Discrépance sees four friends in their early 20’s on vacation at a family cottage, where they discover hidden secrets that redefine who they are and what they mean to each other. Each episode of the French drama uncovers a new twist as...
Created in the Spanish city of Bilbao by Rose of Dolls and Oliver Mend, Gifted Corporation meets the unknown, the extraordinary and the gifted. Sean and Silva guide us throughout the story, as they are trying to track down a mysterious coin killer; combining thriller,...
The Katering Show is a comedy web series that follows the lives of celebrity chef, Kate McLennan, and her food intolerant friend, Kate McCartney, as they cook their way into the Food Culture Revolution. Tamasin Simpkin sets the scene in the city of Melbourne as the...
Jonathan Brière must face his demons and find the person responsible for the death of his friend and colleague Dan Portal. And so begins a game of cat and mouse between police and their suspects. Manigances is back for it’s second season, created by Ghislain...
Tasmanian web series creators,Tim Logan, Nathan Spencer, and Shaun Wilson from Sky Machine, together with Latitude Films have created an authentic series of comedy, mystery and deceit, presented in black and white. Better than a Midsummer Murders case, a hard-boiled...