Can you fall back in love with someone who once broke your heart? After reconnecting with her ex-girlfriend on a dating app, Audrey throws caution to the wind by giving Claire a second chance. These are the first three episodes in a 9-part LGBTQ series, which explores...
Kym Melzer’s, The Ripple Effect of PTSD, explores the astonishing effects PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) sufferers experience in their day to day life. This particular series focuses on veterans, consisting of seven web episodes which documents their...
Mars: The New Earth Voyage, is an Australian, student animation film addressing the harm we do to the world around us in a naive art style. Creator, Samantha Hope, discusses the lengthy process and patience required to create Mars: The New Earth Voyage, being the...
All Bi Myself follows the Mia, who, after coming out as bisexual to her extremely Catholic family, delves into the dating world. After being in a committed relationship with God and her boyfriend of seven years, Tom, can Mia overcome the awkward first dates,...
Cascade Gardens isn’t just your average retirement home, every year, a beauty pageant is held – and this time, 89 year old Hazel decides to get involved. What happens next, you’ll have to see. Directed by film student Rosie Greenwell and completed in...
Bakers Original Series follows a college student who attempts to create an effective, cannabis-based treatment for a rare progressive neurological disease called ALS. The series was written and directed by Nathan Hochstetler whose passion for exploring real-world...