Determined to reclaim her life after a near-death experience resulting from her alcohol abuse, 27-year-old newly-sober Ki Royce, must now make her way through a thicket of challenges. This includes online dating, unpredictable young men, baffling job requirements and...
Fairy Floss (AUS) finds housemates and friends; Jacob and Savanna, interviewing for a room in their Melbourne share house, but neither could be prepared for the outrageous characters they will encounter over the course of their day. We spoke to Harry Quinlan, the...
In their mid-twenties, Jimmy, Ned and Ryan share an apartment together in Sydney. One morning, while walking home after a wild night, their friend Sonya gets approached by Hitch, a fashion designer who just has spent the night with Jimmy. Supertramps (AUS) follows...
Undergarment Odysseys (AUS) is a four-part anthology comedy web series about sexual health. Various matters are explored throughout the episodes to address the stigma and taboo surrounding sex, such as STDs, consent, sexual identity and much more. Humour and satire...
Girl, Interpreted (AUS) is a bilingual comedy about Lillian, a nervous Mandarin interpreter who stutters and stumbles her way through hectic cultural misunderstanding. Inspired by writer/ director Grace Feng Fang Juan’s professional experience as an interpreter, the...