A poetic and raw web series, the second instalment of Dominos (S2) (CAN) follows Montreal’s tormented youth as they try and take charge of their lives and become better. Melbourne WebFest spoke to Director & Screenwriter Zoé Pelchat to discover the ins and...
Home Turf is an unlikely sisterhood that forms in the half-basement of a foster home for “problem” teenage girls in the year 2000. Soon after arriving from Africa, Sahara, a mixed-race 15-year-old, is driven by CPS to a foster home in the suburbs. At the house, run by...
Deluxe Motion (S2) (CAN) is a stop motion web series for adults – and disobedient teenagers – featuring five blameworthy characters which push the boundaries of absurdity and rudeness. Melbourne WebFest spoke to Producer Johannie Deschambault about the...
Cypher (CAN) parallels the process of musical collaboration with the peer-support method of mental health caregiving. Just as every musical collaboration is personal and unique, so too is each caregiving experience. Joined by award-winning peer support caregiver...
Seasonal Life tells the story of Latin-American migrant workers who travel annually to Quebec to participate in the harvesting of vegetables. Inspired by the co-creators’ interest in wanting to explore the daily life of seasonal migrant workers that “come...