Determined to reclaim her life after a near-death experience resulting from her alcohol abuse, 27-year-old newly-sober Ki Royce, must now make her way through a thicket of challenges. This includes online dating, unpredictable young men, baffling job requirements and...
The Square Root (USA) is a short-form episodic series that explores memory and the small moments that make us who we are. Each chapter focuses on a different character, and each episode takes place during that split second before a character makes the decision that...
Women talking openly about their sexuality via one actress. All stories are based on real anonymous interviews. Created entirely by Israeli women, each episode was put together with a different female team. One Woman (ISR) creator, producer and actor Nili...
In a land where three suns almost never set, a fledgling killer sets out to join a school of assassins, seeking vengeance against the powers who destroyed her family. We spoke to creator, producer, writer and lead actor Piéra Forde, as well as producer and VFX...
Mathieu is a public writer in a poor neighbourhood of Montreal. For the few past years, he’s discovered that his job is more about people than literature. He wrote a novel inspired by his experiences. The critics love it, but the book bothers his employer who...