Home Turf is an unlikely sisterhood that forms in the half-basement of a foster home for “problem” teenage girls in the year 2000. Soon after arriving from Africa, Sahara, a mixed-race 15-year-old, is driven by CPS to a foster home in the suburbs. At the house, run by...
Genre Humaine (FRA) is about Eleonore and looking into her little slice of life. A girl like everyone else. Anxious, frustrated, dithering all the time. Normal. Screenwriter and actress, Eléonore Costes, reveals the series unique perspective and situations to be are...
In the wake of a surprise power outage, the youngsters of Sainte-Pauline-de-la-Légère learn with much trepidation that they will have to spend their entire vacation without electricity. Writer and producer of La Panne (CAN), Benoit Lach, answered our questions...
Esther’s Parisian life is thrown into shambles when Rex, her new American roommate, moves in. The two think they are absolute opposites, but will soon realize they are made of the same criminal cloth. Sworn Frenemies (USA) is the perfect mix of humour, absurd...