Undergarment Odysseys (AUS) is a four-part anthology comedy web series about sexual health. Various matters are explored throughout the episodes to address the stigma and taboo surrounding sex, such as STDs, consent, sexual identity and much more. Humour and satire...
When betrayal and heartache strike an amateur actress, pretending to be normal will be her greatest performance. Sex & Death (AUS) writer-director and actor Kathleen Lee spoke to Melbourne Webfest to share with us how her experiences were key to the web series,...
In day-to-day life, it can be hard for a married couple to maintain their sexual interests with each other. Oposto do Sexo (Opposite of Sex) is a comedy about the attempts of a husband to convince his wife to have sex with him. A Brazilian webseries created by Leandro...
Put simply, BedHead is a comedy web series about two friends, one weekend and the worst sex EVER. Created by Claire Phillips, Tom Keele, Benjamin Matthews, Reece Jones and Jon Dalgaard, this comedy will have you in hysterics and cringing simultaneously. What’s special...