In colonial Australia, an escaped convict on the run from a pack of savage guards, must take on a prisoner of his own. Directed, produced and written by Scott Dale, Beyond the Water’s Edge is a cinematic masterpiece that uses minimal dialogue, focusing on...
Infront Artists is a global social media hangout, network and marketplace for creatives worldwide, launching in 2018. The global platform will support film, actors, performing arts, music, publishers, fashion, tech, dance, creative and visual artists, tv – all...
How awkward would it be if tinder messages were said in real life? In this Melbourne made web series creator/actress Holly Hargreaves acts out Tinder conversation’s in real life, proving to be both awkward, daring and utterly hilarious. What did you want to...
Combining intensely colourful, head-twisting art with apocalyptically dark humour, Trying My Best is the ramshackle product of a joyously demented host. Featuring sparkle-eyed puppets, mutated set pieces and a catchy soundtrack, the show quickly descends into a...