2016 Official Selection: Auckward Love (NZ)

2016 Official Selection: Auckward Love (NZ)

A heartbroken, aspiring artist is helped back on the rocky road to love by her three desperate best friends, whether she wants them to or not. This web series features relatable, funny and awkward situations, as each of the eight episodes in Season 1 of Auckward Love...
2016 Official Selection: Arthur (CH)

2016 Official Selection: Arthur (CH)

Arthur, of whom the series is named after, brings you right into the life of a forty year old man who loves his breakfasts, the sound of a vacuum cleaner, and the quiet environment of his house. The ten episode series challenges assumptions people make based on...
2016 Official Selection: Zyara (LBN)

2016 Official Selection: Zyara (LBN)

Zyara is a documentary web series that depicts intimate portraits of various individuals sharing their hopes and dreams, stories about love, fears and their most memorable experiences. “Zyara” is an Arabic word that means “Visit” in English. Zyara promotes oneness by...
Funding to Film

Funding to Film

Want to get started in the web series industry, but don’t have the budget available?  The good news is that you don’t always have to pay out of pocket to produce your own web series. Below are some of the funding grants offered in Australia. It’s important to note...