Anomalie (DEU) follows a young man’s journey of discovering the mystery behind his heritage. It is his quest to find the truth, whilst uncovering a connection to his city. Director Christian Stadach spoke to Melbourne WebFest about his series and the powerful...
Alibi (NZ) The best mysteries get your heart racing as you follow every twist and turn, trying to solve the case of ‘whodunit’ before the end of the series. Official Selection Alibi (NZ), A Dog Act (AUS) and Blackout (CAN), as well as Student Selection...
Screaming and crying can often be heard coming from the Melbourne WebFest offices, but for once, it’s not the sound of us torturing the interns. Much to the dismay of our more squeamish Jurors, we’ve had an impressive amount of thriller and horror-oriented submissions...
Number of Silence is a mystery-thriller web series with sci-fi elements. It melds alternative realities, a fictitious metropolis, disappearing satellites and more in a bustling mystery that sends protagonists Nina Novak, Jan Berg and Viktor Glass on a quest to learn...
Jonathan Brière must face his demons and find the person responsible for the death of his friend and colleague Dan Portal. And so begins a game of cat and mouse between police and their suspects. Manigances is back for it’s second season, created by Ghislain...